This Site is for Educational Purpose Only

Do not send any valuable to anyone or enter any personal information

However, any information entered is considered 'Demo' and users consent it to be used to aid research for educational purposes

Password: Ft#123456789

{use the above demo login details to login to any of the scripts}

Also Note: any frontend/frontpage(designs) that you like can be cloned and used to connect to any of the portals(backend) below. All you need to do is to send us the website link of the site you want us to clone. However, you can also pick from our list of already designed frontend/templetes below.

1. Portals/Backends





OnlineTrada 1 (new version)

OnlineTrada 2

OnlineTrada 3

2. Frontends/Templetes

Pick from the list of Designs

if you need any of the scripts, contact us via email: